My first overseas release is coming! Eventually!

Pretty soon, there will be an e-book version of Pray Lied Eve available in China. It has been a long translation process and the cover is just being designed – which I will post the moment I can see it too! There are subtle changes, and an additional note describing the word game that the title Pray Lied Eve represents, and though I am not christian at all there will be some description of the secondary influence for the title. It was a really interesting process to see what translates and what doesn’t. The translation manager enjoyed reading my work, so that helps me feel good about most Chinese readers liking it too – especially with their careful work.

Also, I am now a proud owner of a copy of the way-too-pricey program Final Draft.

Some day in the far future I will start the screenplays I have had in mind. One is a werewolf romp and the other is a bleak semi-fictional study in drug use and apathy. The projects I am working on now, well, I suppose they will be listed on IMDB as they happen!

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Author: lydia

A Canadian horror author, podcast host, and voracious reader. You may have Lydia's vampire novel 'Nightface' or some of her short horror, watched her Typical Books of Terror series on YouTube or listened to her on Splatterpictures Dead Air podcast.